Cloud Blog – What is Asana project management software – how to improve your work process

What is Asana project management software – how to improve your work process

What is Asana? It is a universal tool for work and optimization of companies, which provides full transparency of the work process. But the main advantage is the possibility of using Asana for project management. 

What is the biggest problem with large tasks or while assigning responsibilities in projects? Breaking deadlines, or missing a lot of details during the workflow? Many companies are used to working with Excel spreadsheets in order to keep track of their work and thus manage their teams. But the issue is that spreadsheets are not designed to do that. Columns are constantly shifting, and the table loses its original form, which leads to loss of information.  As a result, when date X comes, and it is time to submit the project, it turns out that many details have been overlooked and the project is not ready for submission at all. 

To deal with such a seemingly insignificant problem, we suggest familiarizing yourself with Asana task management, which can completely change your mind about working in a team. 


How to use Asana for project management

First, let’s take a look at the basic functions of the Asana task manager and answer the simple question “what does Asana do?”. 

It is impossible to answer this question in one sentence. So, you have to ask yourself the question “what is keeping me from being productive? We suggest that you start by remembering how your typical work day goes. You come to work and what are the first things you do? Respond to emails, assign new tasks to people, distribute workloads and look for your colleagues’ mail? All of these tasks can take up most of your time, instead of spending it on the really important things. 

Asana solves the issue of such routine tasks and frees up space for you to work. You can automate the process of assigning duties or assigning tasks, which will two thirds of your work day. Now that you’ve freed up your time, you can finally get to work on your main projects. That’s where the Asana project management tool comes in 6 different solutions to apply to your  project. 

To understand how using Asana for project management will help you bring your project from point A (idea) to point B (final implementation), let’s analyze the process step by step. Furthermore, you can find information about the decision making matrix in our article, which assists in analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of various options, enabling you to reach the best decision promptly.


1. Set the Task

The first place to start for any task is to create the terms of reference and assign someone to be responsible. Use the Boards feature to divide a large project into tasks. Create a task in the “To do” column and complete it by moving it to the “Done” column. You can outline the stages of a task’s life by yourself and update the information right on the spot. Now, not a single detail escapes you with Asana for project management. 

2. Create the Form 

To avoid wasting a lot of time each time you create a task again, set up a form that makes it easy to just fill in the information depending on the task. Using Asana for project management you will be able to create a form in such a way that it is clear which department it belongs to, what is the priority of this task, etc. 

3. Set a Deadline 

You have created a pool of tasks and distributed them to the dashboards. You’ve even set up a form to easily provide details for the next tasks. Now, your third step is to set deadlines. Use the Timeline tool, where you can set a deadline date and determine a start date for the next task. Can’t get started on a task until your colleague finishes his own one? Timeline will display this on your schedule and help you to set clear deadlines. 

4. Track the process by date

Use Calendar to globally look at what’s happening day by day. This will also help you calculate how long it will take to get results or see the team’s workload. 

5. Distribute the workload 

Use a Workload tool that shows you how busy each employee is. This will help you distribute the workload more accurately and make sure your colleagues stay focused and aren’t overworked. You’ll also be able to see who’s available and know exactly who to assign to work on the project. 

6. Keep track of all your progress on one screen

Another unique feature of the Asana project management software is the ability to monitor your workflow from different angles. With Universal Reporting, you can see which stage you are on, how long it will take to complete the project, or what is keeping you from completing the project. Now you won’t need to ask “How are we doing?” at general meetings. 

Asana project management software for the entrepreneur 

Now you know what Asana does and how to use it to increase your productivity. But that’s not the only benefit  of Asana for project management that will help you in your work. 

Another feature of Asana is that you can connect it with any other platform. For example, if you work with Google Workspace toolkit, you can easily connect any tools to Asana task manager. You can also connect messengers like Slack or Teams and easily share tasks while communicating.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of the product development stages, you can read more about its stages, techniques, and best practices in our article.

How to integrate Asana 

Are you still wondering how to use Asana for project management? Then you should contact Cloudfresh for Asana help. The Cloudfresh team is a unique center of expertise for Google Cloud, Zendesk, and Asana. For these products, we can provide you with the following services: 

  • Customization;
  • Development;
  • Integration;
  • Training;
  • License;
  • Support.

Our specialists will help you optimize your IT infrastructure, set project management software Asana, and help create completely new structures and processes for your teams, while our support center will provide you with the best customer experience! 


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