Services – Zendesk professional services

Zendesk professional services

Enjoy a full range of expert services around Zendesk solutions to help you implement the software according to your customer needs, prepare and train the team, and unlock GenAI's capabilities for business success.

Unlock the Power of Customer Experience with Zendesk, Guided by a Trusted Partner


Audit and consulting
Integrations development
Zendesk AI Support

Implementing Zendesk for the first time can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By offloading the heavy lifting to our expert team, you can enjoy a professionally configured environment tailored to your unique business needs. With over 1500+ professionals having successfully leveraged our specialized services, our team of engineers brings a wealth of experience and best practices to ensure your setup is optimized for efficiency and effectiveness.

We understand that your primary goal is to enhance customer support and streamline operations quickly. That’s why our comprehensive implementation service is designed to get your Zendesk solution up and running in just 4 weeks. This includes full setup and training for your agents, ensuring you see a rapid return on your investment. Our team handles everything from configuring essential functionalities to training your employees, making sure they are equipped to use Zendesk to its full potential.

Our implementation services include:

  • Connection of communication channels (email, chat, FB messenger, Instagram DM, WhatsApp, Telegram*, Viber*)
  • Adding groups
  • Definition of user roles **
  • Setting up custom fields
  • Create organization fields
  • Creation of organizations
  • Brand building
  • Adding Support Addresses
  • Setting up work schedules
  • Creating Custom Fields for Tickets
  • Create Multiple Ticket Forms
  • Setting up email notifications
  • Setting up and creating a knowledge base
  • Automating Help Desk with Answer Bot
  • Creating triggers
  • Create Automations
  • Creating Views
  • Creating macros
  • Create SLA policies
  • Adding CSAT
  • And other settings
Gain Complimentary Access to Zendesk's Features with Cloudfresh Get a tailored first-hand experience that showcases Zendesk solution in action customized to your unique business needs. All without any upfront commitment. Apply Today
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When partnering with Cloudfresh, you’ll receive:

Proof of Concept

Receive a tailored first-hand experience of Zendesk solutions aligned with your unique business needs.

AI-Powered Customer Service

Uncover the potential of GenAI across your entire customer care environment to automate the frontline, give agents a boost, and operate at scale with our ongoing support.

Industry-Wide Expertise

Working with us, you get specialized premier services across various industries such as gaming, retail, e-commerce, software, healthcare, finance, and others.

Agile Deployment

Benefit from the flawless integration of Zendesk with your existing infrastructure (databases, telephony system, CRM, etc.), expertly handled by the Cloudfresh team.

Flexible Payments

Experience flexible payments with diverse options, including currency choices like PLN, USD, EUR, UAH, CZK, and cryptocurrencies.

Multilingual Support

Enjoy communication in your native language for the most convenient and flawless experience. Our team speaks English, Ukrainian, Czech, Polish and Russian.

Zendesk Implementation Professional Services Packages

Based on our experience providing professional services, we have created pricing plans best suited for a successful start with Zendesk.

Fresh Start 699 USD

  • Zendesk Support training for admins
  • Zendesk Support training for agents
  • Q&A session
Fresh Pro 1499 USD

  • Zendesk Support training for admins
  • Zendesk Support training for agents
  • Q&A session
  • Basic account setup
  • Сhannels connecting (email, chat, FB messenger, Instagram DM, WhatsApp, Telegram)
  • Triggers (up to 10)
  • Views (up to 15)
  • Groups and Users (up to 5 groups and 30 agents)
  • SLA (up to 3)
  • CSAT
Ultra Fresh 2799 USD

  • Zendesk Support training for admins
  • Zendesk Support training for agents
  • Zendesk Explore training
  • Q&A session
  • Advanced account setup
  • Сhannels connecting (email, chat, FB messenger, Instagram DM, WhatsApp, Telegram)
  • Triggers (up to 30)
  • Views (up to 30)
  • Groups and Users (up to 10 groups and 60 agents)
  • SLA (up to 6)
  • CSAT
  • Automation rules (up to 10)
  • Custom fields (up to 20)
  • Forms (up to 3)
  • Macros (up to 50)

Zendesk Auditing Professional Services Packages

Our certified Zendesk admins have deep competency in looking at Zendesk instances and quickly identifying areas for improvement.

Audit Basic 2399 USD

  • Kickoff session with Head of Support (~1.0 hour)
  • Support Agent Shadowing session (up to 3) (~3.0 hours)
  • Q&A session (~1 hour)
  • Basic account check-in:
  • - Review your organization structure: Groups, custom user fields, organization fields, organizations
  • - Review your customer support experience: Brands, support addresses, business schedules, custom ticket fields, custom email notifications
  • - Review of user access security and authentication: Security settings, end-user settings, single sign-on
  • - Review of added staff members and end users: Check routing skills, check agent roles and access
  • - Review of ticket routing and workflows: Triggers (up to 10), Automation rules (up to 10), Views, Macros, SLA policies
  • Preparing go-forward recommendations
Audit Advanced 4199 USD

  • Kickoff session with Head of Support (~1.0 hour)
  • Support Agent Shadowing session (up to 8) (~8.0 hours)
  • Admin Training (~1.5 hours)
  • Q&A session (~1.5 hours)
  • Advanced account check-in:
  • - Review your organization structure: Groups, custom user fields, organization fields, organizations
  • - Review your customer support experience: Brands, support addresses, business schedules, custom ticket fields, custom email notifications
  • - Review of user access security and authentication: Security settings, end-user settings, single sign-on
  • - Review of added staff members and end users: Check routing skills, check agent roles and access
  • - Review of ticket routing and workflows: Triggers (up to 30), Automations (up to 30), Views, Macros, SLA policies
  • Knowledge Base Specific Discovery
  • Preparing go-forward recommendations

Zendesk Support Professional Services Packages

Fresh Support 859 USD

Якісна підтримка від CX-інженерів Cloudfresh із великим досвідом підтримки та впровадження рішень Zendesk.

  • User management
  • Management of groups
  • Organizations management
  • Field management
  • Management of forms
  • Management of views
  • Macro management
  • Dynamic content management
  • SLA & Schedule management
  • Communication with the Zendesk support service in case of errors / bugs / downtime
  • Ticket statuses management
  • SLA: First reply time - within 1,5 hours
  • Terms of Service: Monthly fee with 12 months commitment
  • 8/5 Support
Fresh Admin 2099 USD

Легко керуйте процесами підтримки та отримуйте максимальну віддачу від Zendesk за допомогою професійних адміністраторів Cloudfresh.

  • User management: adding, deleting and editing users. Grant Access Level to Users: Light Agent, Administrator, and Agent
  • Group management: create, delete, add users to groups
  • Field management: add, remove and edit fields of the desired types
  • Form management: add, delete and edit ticket forms. Granting access to agents / groups access to forms
  • View management: adding, deleting and editing. Grant group access to views. Support for creating custom views for agents / team leads / managers / admins
  • Macro management: add, delete and edit macros. Granting groups / agents access to macros. Support for creating personal macros for agents / team leads / managers / admins. No more than 50 macros per month
  • Manage integrations from Zendesk Marketplace. Adding, deleting and editing. Granting access to agents / admins to integrations. Manage group access to integrations. Creating a basic assignment trigger on groups
  • Communication with Zendesk support in case of errors / bugs / inoperability of Zendesk Suite services
  • SLA: Request processing time - within 1,5 hours
  • Terms of Service: Monthly fee with 12 months commitment. Admin engagement no more than 20 hours per mont
  • 8/5 Support

Zendesk AI Professional Services Packages

Standard Zendesk AI 199 USD

Integrate AI tools into your customer support system, enhancing efficiency, and delivering superior service experiences.

  • Zendesk AI admin training (~30m)
  • Q&A session (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an AI Bot (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an AI Answers (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an AI Flow (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create AI article recommendations (~30m)
Advanced Zendesk AI 299 USD

Elevate customer support with cutting-edge AI, optimizing service quality and efficiency to exceed customer expectations.

  • Zendesk AI admin training (~30m)
  • Q&A session (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an Advanced AI Bot (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an Advanced AI Answers (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an Advanced AI Flow (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create Advanced AI article recommendations (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create triggers for Advanced AI Intelligent triage (~30m)
  • Сonsultation on how to create an Advanced AI macroses (~30m)

Zendesk Workforce Management (WFM) Professional Services Package

Оптимізуйте швидкість, точність і персоналізацію роботи служби підтримки, щоб підвищити рівень задоволення клієнтів і збільшити прибуковість бізнесу.

Essential WFM 799 USD

Everything you need to keep employees and operational systems on track.

  • Admin training (30 min)
  • User training (30 min)
  • Create locations (up to 5)
  • Create shifts (up to 20)
  • Create teams (up to 10)
  • Create workstreams (up to 5)
  • Create reports (up to 10)
  • Create dashboards (up to 3)
  • Q&A session (30 min)


"For now, we have been using Zendesk for a long time and continue improving our customer service to better satisfy our clients' needs. Thanks to Cloudfresh's expertise, help, and support in implementation, we got a complete overview of KPIs from agents to a global corporate view. Innovation is a priority not only for clients but also for employees. And collaborating with Cloudfresh, we continue to innovate with Zendesk daily."

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Nicole Okonkwo Gattuso Sales Director at Blue Style

"Zendesk has opened up new opportunities for Rozetka and helped bring the company's ideas to life quickly and with fewer resources. Now the team is using more advanced trending technologies that affect the efficiency of the support department and the whole company."

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Natalia Vovk Head of Written Appeals Department

"For us, the experience with Zendesk was new. We learned a lot in a short time. The tools themselves aren't always intuitive, but we've made it with the support of Cloudfresh and many articles in the Zendesk Knowledge Base."

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Taisiya Nasretdinova CEO at ICANHELPHOST

Sense Bank updated chat support and launched knowledge base for the client

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