Cloud Blog – How to conduct webinars in Google Meet
Google Workspace

How to conduct webinars in Google Meet

Many businesses worldwide regularly provide different marketing activities, and webinars for clients and prospects are among the most popular. So it’s evident to everyone that there are many webinars platforms to enable companies to more profoundly and effectively organize their online activities.

In this blog, we would like to look from an entirely new angle at one of the most popular Google Workspace (from now, GWS) tools where many businesses work daily conducting work meetings – Google Meet. Let’s see how to host a webinar in Google Meet, enhancing your online event experience.

How to schedule a Google Meet in advance?

One of the best ways of using Google Meet for webinars is to schedule it in advance using another well-known GWS tool – Google Calendar. To do this, you should follow the 3 easy steps to set up Google Meet:

1. Create an event in Google Calendar

Go to Google Calendar, and select the time slot. Please note that clicking “Add Google Meet video conferencing” is essential if it isn’t done automatically. Then all you need is to fill out all the event details in the “Description” section and save the meeting.

2. Invite your guests

If you wonder how to сreate Google Meet invite, here is a simple answer. Once you add your description, you can add the guests by tapping the emails of your meeting participant in the “Guests” section. Don’t forget to click on “Save” after every update. Once you’ve done it, you can automatically send a Google Meet to invite all of your participants.

3. Publish your event

To make the event available to every possible attendee via the link, you should publish it. For this, in the event window, you should click on “More actions” –>> “Publish the event.” Once you do it, you will see the link to your meeting and the code to embed your event to your landing page or email. To be sure your event is open to the public, click “Default visibility” and change it to “Public.” From now, your meeting will be visible, and everyone with the link can attend it.

How to present slides in Google Meet?

Considering that the presentation is an essential pillar of the webinar, you should not worry about how Google Meet covers this part. Firstly, if you wonder how to share a screen on Google Meet – it’s a simple one-click action. You should tap “Present now” on your meeting on the menu tab below and choose “Entire screen,” “A window,” or “A tap,” depending on what you want to present.

But what is the best way to prepare the slides for your webinar? One of the most convenient ways is Google Slides, the other GWS product, so the coexistence of these two tools is perfect. In Google Slides, every speaker can work simultaneously, see each further progress in real-time, and make some comments.

It’s a precious tool not only in the stage of preparation but also during your webinar:

  1. All of the speakers know each others’ materials.
  2. Your host can easily click to change slides without switching between different presentations.
  3. If your speaker wants to show the presentation, they can put the meeting on Google Slides and see the other participants while presenting.

Google Meet offers users many other features to move their online events toward better quality, convenience, and efficiency. We would like further to highlight several points we appreciate the most:

Smooth work with the different amount of participants

There are lots of questions about the participants’ limit in Google Meet. Here is the simple answer. Yes, the amount of people who can attend a meeting differs depending on your GWS editions. In this way, the customers that use the Business Starter plan can gather up to 100 attendees, the Business Standard – up to 150, and the Business Plus – up to 500. At the same time, the users’ most advanced Enterprise Standard edition has no limits on the number of people. So, it’s crucial to remember this while planning the number of attendees. Nonetheless, if such an amount of people suits your webinar expectations, using Google Meet will allow you to run a seamless webinar in a convenient environment for a minimum of 100 participants simultaneously.

Want to know how Google Meet can become an effective tool for your business? Our team can help you maximize Google Meet for seamless video calls, webinars and conferences. Get in touch with experts
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Meeting recording

While you conduct the online event, you probably think in advance about how to use it further for your marketing activities, emails, or share with people who could not attend it. Google Meet exceeded this concern, offering you a video recording function starting from the Business Standard GWS edition. All you have to do is to enable recording in a few clicks and then receive on the Drive an email note a few minutes after the meeting. It’s simple yet essential to get ahead of your future marketing needs.

Attendance Tracking

Another crucial feature for all event organizers is reporting and attendance tracking. You need to know exactly how many people will attend your event to analyze your conversion rate and efficiency. Starting from the Business Plus plan, the attendance tracking feature enters the game.

By activating this function during your webinar, you will receive the report in your email a few minutes after the webinar, with the possibility to check all the entries/exits of attendees and the amount of time they spend on your meeting. Please note that if he entered your meeting, not using Google Account and tapped his name inaccurately, you will need to spend more time identifying this person to the actual registrar.

Visual effects for Google Meet

With the help of various Google Meet effects and filters, you can make your event more fun and engaging. To augment brand awareness toward your business, you can also prepare custom backgrounds with your company’s logo or symbols. If you have ever wondered how to use Google Meet filters , tap “More options” and “Apply visual effects” in the menu tab below. Once you make it, you will see the vast choice of different backgrounds and filters you can use to feel more confident.


Another cool Google Meet feature that will definitely make your webinar more interactive is emojis. Using them, everyone can show some reactions to what’s happening during your event in a few clicks without the necessity to write or tell something. To use the emojis, tap “More controls” At the bottom of your video meeting, and select the reaction you want to send.

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Noise cancellation

Google Meet Noise Cancellation is an advanced GWS Enterprise Standard edition feature that limits outside interruptions while filtering the background noises. To enable it, you should tap the three dots at the bottom of your meeting >> go to “Settings”  >> “Audio Settings”  >> Turn the “noise cancellation” setting on or off. It is an excellent solution that will allow you to attend a webinar as a speaker or participant from anywhere and not worry about the environment.

Dial-In Method

The Dial-In method is another cool feature that will improve your webinar experience. Using it, you should not worry about the stability of your Internet connection, electricity, or something else. You can even participate in online activities on the road during, for example, your work trip. With the Google Meet Dial-In method, you can join the meeting using a mobile or landline phone call and reinsure your presence in some force majeure circumstances. To learn more about how to activate and use this feature, please check our blog via the link.


How to host a webinar on Google Meet?

To host a webinar on Google Meet, schedule your meeting through Google Calendar, inviting participants via email. Share your screen for presentations and engage your audience with Q&A through the chat feature. Ensure a stable internet connection for a seamless experience.

Does Google Meet have a webinar feature?

Google Meet itself doesn’t have a dedicated “webinar” feature but is highly adaptable for hosting webinars. It offers functionalities like screen sharing, real-time captions, and participant management, making it suitable for webinar-like sessions.

How to see who attended a Google Meet

To see who attended a Google Meet, the meeting organizer can check the attendance report in Google Calendar. This feature is available for certain Google Workspace editions. The report includes participant names, emails, and the duration of their attendance.


Conducting webinars in Google Meet is not evident, but a very efficient and convenient option. Plenty of other interactive features, such as Breakout rooms, Polls, Whiteboarding, Q&A, and different third-party integrations, will make online events more engaging and attractive for the audience. If you want to enhance your user experience, augment the quality of your events, and increase the engagement rate, you should try this platform for your online activities. Explore the best video conferencing app in our latest blog to master your video meetings.

And here is one of the possible advantages for your company. There is a big chance you already use GWS solutions, or you can start to use them not only for the webinars but also to build efficient workflows within your teams. So, it’s a total win-win.

Want to bring your meetings to the next level? Learn more about the Google Meet hardware license.

To learn more about GWS products and possibilities, contact our Google Workspace consultant team or check out our Professional GWS Services that we regularly provide for our customers as a Premier Google Cloud partner.

Let’s start the journey toward a better video-meeting experience with the universal Google Workspace solutions now!

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