Clients cases – Case Study: Ops Lab

Case Study: Ops Lab

In this project, Cloudfresh experts ensured a smooth transition and optimal performance. From initial consulting sessions to meticulous migration processes, Cloudfresh's IT administrators were helpfull at every step. Their expertise in configurations and support ensured that the migration was executed flawlessly, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency for Places App and its users.

Jane Davydiuk COO, Ops Lab

What is Cloudfresh Value in Empowering Operations Consulting Companies: A Case Study with Ops Lab


About the Cooperation


In this case study, we delve into the dynamic collaboration between Cloudfresh and Ops Lab, a pioneering consultancy firm specializing in operational processes. Founded by a former client of Cloudfresh, Ops Lab excels in guiding businesses towards operational excellence through streamlined processes, automation, and project management solutions.

Strategic Partner for Long-Term Growth Every business faces unique challenges, and at Cloudfresh, we see these as opportunities for growth. Our Work Transformation specialization allows us to tailor Google Workspace solutions that not only address your specific pain points but also unlock new avenues for success. We focus on enhancing collaboration, productivity, and employee engagement, turning your workforce into a powerful engine for growth and innovation. Get in touch with us
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In its mission to optimize client operations, Ops Lab frequently recommends Google Workspace as a comprehensive solution to its clients. However, the complexity of technical implementation often posed challenges. Recognizing the need for expert assistance, Ops Lab turned to Cloudfresh. The company started cooperating for the successful Google Workspace implementation for Ops Lab customers. With its team of certified tech professionals, Cloudfresh seamlessly integrated into Ops Lab’s projects, providing invaluable support in consulting, migration, setup, and ongoing technical issues. In this case study, we would like to delve deeply into the migration process set up by Cloudfresh team for one of Ops Lab’s customers.


Places App Case Study: Migration from Microsoft 365 to Google Workspace


One standout project exemplifying this collaboration was the migration from Microsoft 365 to Google Workspace for one of the latest Ops Lab customers, Places App, a popular UK-based platform for online orders and promotions from restaurants and cafes.

“In this project, Cloudfresh experts ensured a smooth transition and optimal performance. From initial consulting sessions to meticulous migration processes, Cloudfresh's IT administrators were helpfull at every step. Their expertise in configurations and support ensured that the migration was executed flawlessly, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency for Places App and its users.“
Jane Davydiuk Fractional COO, Ops Lab
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Let’s delve into the common challenges and solutions during the migration process:

Navigating Multiple Domains


One of the initial challenges revolved around transitioning from Microsoft to Google across five distinct domains, each requiring different types of emails for the teams. This complexity demanded careful consideration and strategic planning. In collaboration with Cloudfreshteam, Ops Lab weighed the options of creating aliases versus implementing secondary domains.

After leveraging Cloudfresh’s technical insights, it was determined that secondary domains would be the most relevant solution for this case, ensuring every Places App team member to own personalized email addresses for each domain, aligning seamlessly with their roles and needs. As a result, Cloudfresh ensured a smooth transition across multiple domains, setting the stage for enhanced efficiency within the organization.

Overcoming Email Transfer Challenges


A significant obstacle emerged during the transition as efforts to transfer emails from Outlook to Google Workspace via IMAP proved unsuccessful. In response, Cloudfresh offered hands-on support through Microsoft’s channels. Despite initial setbacks, Cloudfresh performed a direct transfer from Microsoft to Gmail. This approach was successful, ensuring the smooth migration of crucial email data.

Streamlining Email Distribution


Another hurdle arose when multiple users required simultaneous email access for efficient file sharing, documents, and resources. Here, the Cloudfresh admins swiftly implemented Groups functionality. This feature enhanced the communication within the Places App, saving valuable time previously spent manually adding recipients to emails or chats.

Now, employees can effortlessly send messages to specific groups, ensuring relevant information reaches the right audience with ease and receiving the needed emails from the members of the particular Group. This process streamlines productivity and empowers administrators to efficiently manage membership and access controls. With the ability to add or remove members and monitor group activity, Group functionality provides a robust framework for effective collaboration within the organization.

Enhancing Inbox Organization


In response to a specific request from Places App, Ops Lab tasked Cloudfresh with optimizing email distributions to prevent overcrowding in a single inbox. The Cloudfresh team devised a solution that involved setting up Filters for different communication channels and defining corresponding Labels.

This strategic implementation ensures that incoming emails are neatly categorized under separate labels within the inbox, promoting transparency and efficiency for Places App users. By streamlining the email workflow in this manner, Cloudfresh fosters a smoother communication experience for all the company employees.



Through Cloudfresh’s strategic collaboration with Ops Lab, significant results were achieved:

  1. Seamless Transition: The migration from Microsoft 365 to Google Workspace for Places App was executed smoothly, ensuring the transfer of multiple domains.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Cloudfresh’s expertise in navigating multiple domains and overcoming email transfer challenges resulted in a streamlined workflow, saving time and resources for the Places App.
  3. Improved Communication: Implementing Group functionality facilitated efficient email distribution, enabling seamless sharing of files and resources among team members.
  4. Enhanced Organization: By optimizing inbox organization through Filters and Labels, Cloudfresh improved the Places App’s transparency and efficiency in email management.

A new migration is underway for all Calendar Events and Contacts for Places Aps, which is ongoing and handled seamlessly.

Overall, the Ops Lab’s partnership with Cloudfresh brought about tangible improvements in operational processes, communication, and efficiency, setting the stage for continued success and growth for the Places App.




The Places App case is only one example highlighting the effective partnership between Cloudfresh and Ops Lab, demonstrating their ability to overcome challenges and deliver successful outcomes together.

Through strategic collaboration, Cloudfresh continues to empower operations consulting firms like Ops Lab to unlock their full potential. By providing comprehensive technical support and innovative solutions, Cloudfresh plays a vital role in driving success by delivering expert audit, migration and technical implementation, professional training and support for the companies to improve various business operations and workflows.

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