News – Cloudfresh is named Zendesk Emerging Market Partner of the Year in EMEA

Cloudfresh is named Zendesk Emerging Market Partner of the Year in EMEA

Each year, Zendesk holds a competition among its partners to choose the most active partners on the market for promoting Zendesk. During the Worldwide Partner Session on January 10, 2022, the Cloudfresh team received the “Emerging Market Partner of the Year” Award. The productivity reviews identified the companies with the largest number of meetings and deals with customers. Based on the results of the analysis, Cloudfresh was awarded the status of Zendesk partner of the year with more than 30 completed deals.

“Cloudfresh is a valued Zendesk Partner and we’re delighted to have presented them with the award for Emerging Markets Partner of the Year. As our partner program continues to grow in Europe, this award recognises Cloudfresh for their excellence in emerging markets, offering consultancy and professional services to Zendesk customers to support their customer experience strategies. We’re excited to continue our work with the Cloudfresh team as customer experience is increasingly recognised as a key driver for growth for enterprise businesses in 2022.”
Benjamin Caller Regional Vice President

Recently, Cloudfresh received the status of Advanced Partner in Zendesk Implementation. As a Zendesk Advanced Implementation Partner, Cloudfresh constantly implements Zendesk solutions and develops various integrations and applications that can be combined with Zendesk services.

First-class customer support with Zendesk

Zendesk is an easy and flexible platform for managing customer requests and providing them with first-class service. By working with Zendesk, your customer support department benefits from the following:

  • Multi-channel support via email, social media, chat and other communication channels;
  • Open API for seamless business integration;
  • Flexible ticket management;
  • Ability to create a knowledge base with automated templates;
  • Mobile device support with apps;
  • 850 integrations with embedded apps;
  • A solution built specifically for your business with Cloudfresh.
“Дякую команді Cloudfresh та нашим клієнтам, які обрали рішення Zendesk та нашу компанію як партнера та інтегратора. Ця нагорода – наша спільна заслуга.”
Vita Usatyuk Sales Executive at Cloudfresh

Companies that have already switched to Zendesk

More than 160,000 companies in 160 countries use Zendesk in Ukraine and around the world. Among them you may find Ukrainian marketplace Rozetka. The company serves thousands of customers every day, and many of them address  support service to find out the delivery date, clarify the order rules, payment and other queries. As the company grew, it became increasingly difficult to maintain a steady pace of support, especially during sales and promotional periods.

With Cloudfresh, Rozetka’s team was able to easily migrate to Zendesk platform, and the support department’s productivity improved by 1.5 times, the speed of response to customers became 65% faster.


“We’ve worked hard all last year to help our customers build quality omni-channel support using our experience and Zendesk expertise. Winning this award is very honourable for us, it means we are on the right path. We are continuously improving our knowledge and skills to meet customer expectations. After all, a satisfied customer is our main goal!”
Vitaly Safanyuk Chief of Products & Projects at Cloudfresh

Cloudfresh certified work

Provide your customers with high-quality support with Zendesk, and leave the customer experience platform integration process to Cloudfresh. As official Zendesk Premier partners, we provide full support during the migration process to the platform. We accompany customers through the following steps:

  • Platform implementation;
  • Data migration;
  • Deployment;
  • Development of Zendesk integrations with other systems.

Cloudfresh also provides full 24/7 support during and after you start using the platform. When connecting Zendesk, you will be assisted by Zendesk certified socialists. Maxim Kushchenko, Collaboration and CX Engineer at Cloudfresh, is also a Zendesk Support Certified Expert.


From the beginning of the partnership with Zendesk, Cloudfresh has implemented customer support solutions for various clients such as Rozetka,, Fozzy Group, Legisti, BlaBlaCar, COLLAR, Cosmolot, Dnipro M, EVO Company, ZazaPay, VIVO and other.

“This award is confirmation of the goal-oriented team in Cloudfresh and that end customers do realize the value of Zendesk products. Thanks to all of them!”
Oleh Maksymovych Сloudfresh co-founder

Creating the best customer experience together with Zendesk helps businesses become more effective, provide long-lasting client satisfaction and build loyalty with their clients.

With Zendesk, Cloudfresh continues to give the most sophisticated service to move the customers’ support solutions up to the next level. This award is a vital sign for the Cloudfresh team that they are on the right path committing to Zendesk values and strategies.

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