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  3. What makes Google Cloud different from AWS and Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Unfolded ⛅️
December 7, 2023

What makes Google Cloud different from AWS and Microsoft Azure

During this webinar, we took a pragmatic look on the key distinctions between three cloud giants Google Cloud vs AWS vs Azure for you to explore what cloud provider to choose for your business needs.
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Understanding Cloud Giants: quick intro what the Big Three represent

Deep dive Into Key Distinctions: Unveiling pros and cons in pricing, compute, storage, networking, and more

What Sets Google Cloud Apart: Redefining your cloud experience with unique advantages

Making Google Cloud a nice place to run your Microsoft Windows applications


Maksym Datsenko
Chief Technology Officer, Cloudfresh
Communication and information technology professional, Maksym has extensive corporate IT expertise. It covers computing, storage technologies, and business software, with over 25 years in various technical, sales, and management roles in enterprise IT and communication suppliers, including Fujitsu, Huawei, and SAP. He is a Cloud Technologies evangelist with experience working with pre-cloud technologies when the word Cloud didn't even mean something in IT world. Maksym is leading the Google Cloud Platform department in Cloudfresh, developing projects in architecting, building, migration, optimizing, and maintaining customers' IT infrastructures in Cloud.
Riadh Fathi
Customer Engineer, Google Cloud
Riadh Fathi is a seasoned Senior Cloud Architect with over 16 years of experience in the field with a focus on Cloud Computing and Cyber Security. As a Customer Engineer at Google Cloud, he guides customers on harnessing Google Cloud services to optimize business operations and address intricate technical requirements. His proactive support empowers EMEA-based customers to leverage cutting-edge cloud technologies for strategic advancement.

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