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  3. Mastering Cloud Migration: A Deep Dive into the Process, Strategies & Best Practices
Google Cloud Unfolded ⛅️
September 27, 2023

Mastering Cloud Migration: A Deep Dive into the Process, Strategies & Best Practices

We discussed how to effectively transition to the cloud to build your infrastructure, run your applications smoothly, and streamline your IT operations. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your cloud migration expertise.
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What are cloud migration benefits, strategies & common challenges businesses face while migrating to the cloud

Where to start: Best practices migrating to Google Cloud infrastructure

How to effectively conduct an Assessment & Planning process when transitioning to the cloud

Let's Dive In: Exploring Google Cloud Migration Center in action during our Demo Session


Maksym Datsenko
Chief Technology Officer, Cloudfresh
Communication and information technology professional, Maksym has extensive corporate IT expertise. It covers computing, storage technologies, and business software, with over 25 years in various technical, sales, and management roles in enterprise IT and communication suppliers, including Fujitsu, Huawei, and SAP. He is a Cloud Technologies evangelist with experience working with pre-cloud technologies when the word Cloud didn't even mean something in IT world. Maksym is leading the Google Cloud Platform department in Cloudfresh, developing projects in architecting, building, migration, optimizing, and maintaining customers' IT infrastructures in Cloud.
Paulius Sernius
Customer Engineer, Google Cloud
Paulius is a Google Cloud Customer Engineer in Google, who has over 10 years of experience with cloud technologies and traditional on-premises environments. He greatly enjoys problem-solving, researching the newest computer components/devices, and finding ways to improve his technical expertise.

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