  1. Cloudfresh
  2. Webinars & events
  3. Leveraging Google Maps API for Enhanced Data Visualization
December 13, 2023

Leveraging Google Maps API for Enhanced Data Visualization

We hosted a webinar discussing how the Google Maps API unlocks geospatial insights, transforming decisions and enhancing customer engagement. The webinar included real-world examples, a live demo, and an interactive Q&A session, providing attendees with the opportunity to gain a competitive edge using Google Maps.
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Key takeaways

Learn how businesses use Google Maps API to visualize large data sets and explore real-world examples showcasing how Google Maps API transforms business decision-making.

Customer Success Case: Learn from a featured customer's data visualization journey, highlighting challenges and improvements.

Live Demo: Experience a step-by-step guide on creating a basic data visualization tool using Google Maps API.

Q&A Session: Participate in an interactive Q&A session to address technical queries and best practices.


Julia Kyrychuk
Implementation Specialist, Cloudfresh
Yuliia is an Implementation Manager with a focus on Implementationg Google Maps Platform services, Okta and Zendesk. Her roles at Ukraine International Airlines and Travelport Ukraine involved enhancing and testing online booking systems. Her expertise effectively bridges technical skills with industry insights to deliver and implementation impactful IT solutions.
Oleksandr Vakula
Sales Executive, Cloudfresh
Oleksandr is a Google Workspace and Google Maps expert and certified Cloud Digital Leader. Having ten years of experience in commerce and working with corporate clients and partners, Oleksandr has proven strong product expertise. Now, he is responsible for implementing and supporting Google solutions for multiple companies. Oleksandr has valuable knowledge in providing professional services and establishing state-of-the-art team collaboration with Google Workspace and Google Maps products.