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  3. Hybrid & Multi Cloud: Living both on the ground and in the Cloud
Google Cloud Unfolded ⛅️
October 31, 2023

Hybrid & Multi Cloud: Living both on the ground and in the Cloud

On this webinar we discussed the gap between on-premises and cloud solutions, exploring the multi and hybrid cloud landscape with depth and clarity.
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The Philosophy of Multi and Hybrid Cloud: Unpacking the Key Differences, Benefits & Challenges

Achieving a Seamless Migration to the Cloud: Proven strategies for ensuring a smooth and successful transition

Living in Harmony with On-Premises: Google Cloud Solutions for Multi and Hybrid Environments

Real Success Stories Showcasing Google Cloud's Hybrid Prowess and Q&A Session


Maksym Datsenko
Chief Technology Officer, Cloudfresh
Communication and information technology professional, Maksym has extensive corporate IT expertise. It covers computing, storage technologies, and business software, with over 25 years in various technical, sales, and management roles in enterprise IT and communication suppliers, including Fujitsu, Huawei, and SAP. He is a Cloud Technologies evangelist with experience working with pre-cloud technologies when the word Cloud didn't even mean something in IT world. Maksym is leading the Google Cloud Platform department in Cloudfresh, developing projects in architecting, building, migration, optimizing, and maintaining customers' IT infrastructures in Cloud.
Ahmed Rabie
Customer Engineer, Google Cloud
As a dedicated Customer Engineer specializing in serving the SMB market within Google Cloud, Ahmed has valuable experience for helping customers to troubleshoot and solve technical challenges and guide them through each step of implementation of Google CLoud solutions. With a solid educational background holding a bachelor's degree in Communication and Computer Engineering, Ahmed has worked before for many years in Dell EMC and Amazon (AWS) before joining Google Cloud. Now, he is a passionate Googler with valuable experience and passion to deliver great service on a daily basis.

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