Cloud Blog – New Cloud Digital Leader training and certification
Google Cloud

New Cloud Digital Leader training and certification

It’s happening! Google presented a new training + certification Cloud Digital Leader. This is the first offer for professionals, which provides not only direct certification, but also the education required to obtain it. 

Cloud Digital Leader training is designed specifically for existing professionals who work with cloud technologies and want to be useful in the development of strategic business solutions. 

Professionals who complete the training will not only have an excellent understanding of Google Cloud products, but will also understand how to use the products to increase their productivity and improve their team’s capability as a whole. 

Earlier, Google launched a beta version of the course, in order to see how effective and useful the provided knowledge will be. One of the first testers of the course was Cloud COE & Enablement bank employees in New Zealand and Australia. According to their first impressions, the training has helped to smoothly and efficiently move their team to the cloud transformation, while presenting information in an understandable and accessible language to all of the bank employees. The training also helped them to gain knowledge about cloud technologies in both the business team and the development team.  


Education process 

The main goal of the course is to make you even more confident in using and working with the cloud. You will also gain fundamental knowledge of how digital transformation works with Google Cloud.

The course is divided into four lectures, which are in themselves separate full-fledged courses. In order to successfully complete the certification or as preparation, you should take all four courses. 

Each lecture lasts two hours:

  1. Introduction to Digital Transformation with Google Cloud
  2. Innovation with Data and Google Cloud
  3. Infrastructure and Application Modernization with Google Cloud
  4. Understanding Google Cloud Security and Operations

These courses can be considered an important step on your way to Google Cloud Digital Leader certification.


Cloud Digital Leader certification

The certificate allows you to demonstrate how well you know Google Cloud technology. The advantage of earning this certificate is that you didn’t need any experience with cloud technology before. 

During certification, you will be evaluated on how well you know the following areas: 

  • General knowledge of the cloud
  • General knowledge of Google Cloud
  • Google Cloud products and services

Since this certification has only recently become available, updates and more information may be coming soon. 


Develop your team of specialists 

Google certification provides a great advantage to the work of specialists, as well as increasing the status of your company at the international level. You can also get information about training at Cloudfresh. We can provide you the opportunity to participate in training for other certifications. For more information, contact Cloudfresh — a unique center of expertise for Google Cloud, Zendesk, and Asana. For these products, we can provide you with the following services: 

  • Customization;
  • Development;
  • Integration;
  • Training;
  • License;
  • Support.

Our specialists will help you optimize your IT infrastructure, develop integrations for better system interoperability, and help create completely new structures and processes for your teams, while our support center will provide you with the best customer experience!


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