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  3. Unveiling Gemini: Driving Towards New Business Opportunities
Google Cloud ⛅️ GenAI
February 22, 2024

Unveiling Gemini: Driving Towards New Business Opportunities

On this webinar we discussed the transformative impact of Google Cloud GenAI's latest solutions, the revolutionary Gemini AI model, on modern business perspectives.
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Introduction to the Google Cloud Generative AI solutions: Gemini, Vertex AI, and Duet AI for Google Cloud

Delving into Gemini AI model: Exploring the new perspectives for your business uncovered by Gemini's multi-modality

Demo Session: Gemini AI in Action

Engage with Experts: Pose Your Questions, Gain Insights


Maksym Datsenko
Chief Technology Officer, Cloudfresh
Communication and information technology professional, Maksym has extensive corporate IT expertise. It covers computing, storage technologies, and business software, with over 25 years in various technical, sales, and management roles in enterprise IT and communication suppliers, including Fujitsu, Huawei, and SAP. He is a Cloud Technologies evangelist with experience working with pre-cloud technologies when the word Cloud didn't even mean something in IT world. Maksym is leading the Google Cloud Platform department in Cloudfresh, developing projects in architecting, building, migration, optimizing, and maintaining customers' IT infrastructures in Cloud.
Caroline Matta
Customer Engineer, Google Cloud
Caroline works as a Customer Engineer at Google Cloud, contributing to the team for the past three years. Her professional journey encompasses a comprehensive background in cloud technologies, with prior experience at AWS equipping Caroline with a strong understanding of cloud competencies. One of the aspects she finds most gratifying in this role is the opportunity to connect with diverse customers, understand their unique use cases, and collaborate to find solutions to their everyday challenges.

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